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Advertising Campaigns - Fall 2024
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Skittles campaign concept that would be more sophisticated in its art direction than its "Taste the Rainbow" campaign, but would still encapsulate the humor and whimsy of the brand. We chose scenes from classic movies that have strong uses of color in a dark setting, and thoughtfully placed Skittles in each scene to make it the focal point.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Skittles campaign concept that would be more sophisticated in its art direction than its "Taste the Rainbow" campaign, but would still encapsulate the humor and whimsy of the brand. We chose scenes from classic movies that have strong uses of color in a dark setting, and thoughtfully placed Skittles in each scene to make it the focal point.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Skittles campaign concept that would be more sophisticated in its art direction than its "Taste the Rainbow" campaign, but would still encapsulate the humor and whimsy of the brand. We chose scenes from classic movies that have strong uses of color in a dark setting, and thoughtfully placed Skittles in each scene to make it the focal point.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Skittles campaign concept that would be more sophisticated in its art direction than its "Taste the Rainbow" campaign, but would still encapsulate the humor and whimsy of the brand. We chose scenes from classic movies that have strong uses of color in a dark setting, and thoughtfully placed Skittles in each scene to make it the focal point.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Skittles campaign concept that would be more sophisticated in its art direction than its "Taste the Rainbow" campaign, but would still encapsulate the humor and whimsy of the brand. We chose scenes from classic movies that have strong uses of color in a dark setting, and thoughtfully placed Skittles in each scene to make it the focal point. We made the images have a vintage, grainy appearance to appeal to a more mature audience and make people want to eat Skittles while watching movies.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Visit Savannah campaign concept that would compare Savannah to New York in a clever way that would appeal to a younger audience.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Visit Savannah campaign concept that would compare Savannah to New York in a clever way that would appeal to a younger audience.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Visit Savannah campaign concept that would compare Savannah to New York in a clever way that would appeal to a younger audience.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Visit Savannah campaign concept that would compare Savannah to New York in a clever way that would appeal to a younger audience.
Working with a partner, we decided to create a Visit Savannah campaign concept that would compare Savannah to New York in a clever way that would appeal to a younger audience. We drew inspiration from Instagram accounts like Overheard New York that embrace the quirks of living in New York rather than architecture and history you can find on travel blogs.